
2024-03-22 13:52:42来源:西游留学网作者:信马 阅读量:6469

差英[DFDnt]美[DFDnt]adj .害羞; 没有自信; 谦虚谨慎

拆解: dis(away ) FID(trust ) ent ) adj后缀(-nottrusting ) oneself )不相信自己-没有自信。


考点1: adj .没有把握: hesitantinactingorspeakingthroughlackofself-confidence


同: unassured,bashful,retiring,self-effacing,withdrawn

反( confidence、assured、self-assured、self-confident自信的

考点2: adj .内向: reserved in manner; 美国资产管理


同: introverted

反: extroverted,outgoing外向

repel英[rpel]美[rpel] vt .击退; 联合抵制; 使反感; 令人不愉快

拆除: re(back ) pel ) drive,push )- drive or push back击退; 逐回

考点1: vt .抵制: to fight against; resist

e.g.self-disciplineensuresthatyoucanrepelthethingsthatinduceyou .自律保证抵制诱惑你的东西。

irepelledthetemptationtostayoutlateandcallinsickthenextday .我忍受了晚上熬夜,谎称第二天生病的诱惑。

同: buck,defy,fight,oppose,resist,withstand

反( capitulate、submit、succumb、surrender、yield、give in屈服

考点2: vt .让人反感: to cause aversion in: disgust

e.g. Evil odors always repel me .臭味总是很恶心。

同: disgust,nauseate,repulse,revolt,sicken

反射( allure、attract、bewitch、captivate、charm、enchant、entice、fascinate、lure、seduce、tempt吸引、诱惑

派: repelling adj .讨厌的

forebode[f'BD]v .预言; 预感; 前兆

拆除: fore(beforehand ) bode ( anounce )- anounce beforehand预示; 预感

考点: vi .预示、预兆: toshowsignsofavorableorsuccessfuloutcome

e.g.thatpolicecarparkedoutsidethehousedoesn ' tforebodewell .停在门外的警车不是什么好兆头。

同: augur,predict,promise

派( foreboding n .预感,前兆

turgid英[TDD]美[trdd]adj .肿胀; 别骄傲了; 浮肿的

分解: turg(swollen,inflation ) id -肿胀

考点: adj .引以为豪的、过度装饰的: excessivelyembellishedinstyleorlanguage

e.g. turgid prose浮华的散文

同: flatulent,bombastic,pompous

反( simple,austere,unadorned,undecorated,unembellished简单的

disconcert英[dskNST]美[dsknsrt]vt .慌张; 使困惑; 破坏

拆除: dis(dotheoppositeof ) con ) with ) cert ) contend/strive )- not contend with each other彼此不在一起(不配合) -以后会造成破坏惊慌失措

考点: vt .让你不安: to disturb the composure of


同: abash、discomfit、disconcert、discountenance、mortify、rattle

反( calm,compose,quiet,settle,soothe,tranquilize )平息慰问

